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Thank God for Monday

The life of the church isn´t limited by Sundays and church services. We make efforts to make a space for small cell groups, where people can build close relationships and focus on a variety of topics.

Some of the home cell groups are targeted at Bible study. Other ones are focused on prayers, talking about the faith with people wanting to learn more about Christianity. 

Connect - Gatherings for Young People

These meetings are aimed at young peoole inthe 15 – 27 age range. If you belong to this age group, you will enjoy it. All young people believing in God are the proof that the faith in Jesus Christ is not the matter only for older generations. Connect gatherings are open for all young people. No matter whether they believe or not, or they just want to explore what the Christianity is about.

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Targeted Home Cell Groups

We would love to welcome you in one of our home cell groups. You can find them in several places in and outside Brno. They are of different size and with a different focus. One of them is a prayer meeting for foreigners in the English language. We are ready to help you with the choice of the most appropriate home cell for you. In case of your interest don´t hasitate to contact our home cell coordinator.

Children Ministry

Children can visit Sunday school every week and listen to biblical stories which bring true values into their lives.

Several times a year we organize Kids´celebrations filled with many games and a theatre performance. It is regularly on Saturday afternoon.

Annually we run a summer camp for children in a beautiful region of South Bohemian.

We closely cooperate with Royal Rangers - the organisation for children and the youth. Their club meetings are held in our church house.

Mums´ Clubs

Why not talk about the world of babies? This stage of our life is filled with joy and challanges. Mums share their experience, from time to time they host an interesting guest, usually an expert in the field related to the world of mums and babies.

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In case of your interest to speak with our pastors, you are welcome to arrange an appointment with them and they will help you to find anwers to your questions related not only to faith, but even to vital moments of your life. 

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